Send your fishing exploits to Ron Schmidt.
Please include Pictures, if possible.
On Thursday June 15th I had a 2 person Charter and I took 1 fishing club member with me. The forecast was 2 foot seas 3 seconds apart out of the SW. 3 seconds is a very close period. There wasn’t a sweet spot to run the boat at under 4000 RPM the boat dropped back to the 10 to 12 knots and when I pushed it over 4000 RPM the boat creeped up to the 20 21 knots which in that sea was a very uncomfortable pounding ride. We got out to the first area we were going to fish 12 miles NE from the inlet in 80 feet of water, lots of grunts but that was pretty much it. On the 4th spot in that area we did get some triggers and some lanes. We picked up and moved 4 miles further north. There we got a nice red grouper unfortunately it was about an inch short so we released it we also got a nice red snapper which was released as well. We had action all day so the charter was happy but not a lot of fish in the cooler.
Captain Mark
609 558 5858
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