The Port st. Lucie Anglers Club was organized in April 1959 by four
ardent fishermen. Members were recruited and the charter was open.
At the first meeting there were 16 present. We now have pproximately
170 members.
The purpose of the club, as outlined in the by-Iaws, is the preservation and conservation of fish and wild life in the state of Florida, to encourage sportsmanship, fellowship and good conduct of its members in the realm of fishing with special emphasis on conservation.
Meetings were held the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:30 P.M. at the marina. Dues were $2.00 annually for men and $1.00 for women.
Our club had a Board of Directors consisting of a President, Vice President, Treasurer and Secretary – all elected for a one year term
and three directors elected for three year terms. Committees are Program, Sunshine, House, Fishing, Special Events, and Publicity.
Chairmen of these committees are appointed by the President.
Under the Special Events Committee we have two Cook-outs each year, one in April and the other in October.
We had two fishing contests each year The first was from December 1st to May 31st and the second from June 1st to November 30th. These contests were for the largest catch and/or the most unusual.
We also had a contest for the youth of the community 15 years of age and under Who are bona fide year round residents of Port St. Lucie – River Park Community. This contest was from June 1st to September 30th. Prizes are awarded for these contests and special meeting nights are designated “Award Nights”.
Along the above contest there was an extended contest from January 1st to December 31st for the largest Snook and the largest Blue Fish. Trophies were awarded for these contests.
An Auction was held once a year where new and used fishing equipment is auctioned to the highest bidder. A large crowd is always on hand for this event.
Each fall a fishing clinic is held. The fishing pro’s pass their knowledge on to the new and old fishermen, teaching casting, baiting the hook, equipment to use in the River and Ocean, etc. The clinic is free and open to the public.
Programs at our meetings consist of films, speakers, where and how to catch fish and refreshments.
The Port st. Lucie Anglers Club has purchased many books on fishing which have been donated to the Port St. Lucie Library for the benefit of all residents.
Currently, our meetings are on the 2nd Thursday of the month, held at the Port St. Lucie Botanical Gardens Facility. The meetings usually have a guest speaker, sometimes Local Guides or charter boat operators, sometimes manufacturer reps, or local conservational speakers. Coffee and Donuts supplied.
Our membership has increased monthly over the years and now stands in excess of 200 members. We sponsor monthly fishing events around the area, including at Lake Okeechobee, Lake Kissimmee, Blue Cypress Lake, the Indian River, the Banana River, and offshore fishing events. We fish at the Jensen Beach Causeway and other facilities on the Indian River.
Many of our members have boats and will take other members along to fish, on both fresh and saltwater trips.
We currently sponsor a Kid’s Fishing Tournament in April at the Botanical Garden Pond, which we also stock with fish caught in the area waters year round. This facilitates a catch and release program that all Port St. Lucie residents can participate in. We have stocked the pond with fish for the kids to catch.
We sponsor several Picnics yearly, and have a great Christmas Party, sometimes at “Club Med”, or at “Golden Corral” or other places around Port St. Lucie. Our picnics are usually held at the C-24 Launch Ramp Park, near the SW. Floresta Ave. round-about, at the Jensen Beach Causeway Park, or at Veterans Memorial Park.
All our activities are announced on this web site, at the meetings and in newspaper articles. All are free to our member ship and guests.
We extend to all newcomers the invitation to join our club. meet our members and become acquainted and enjoy the art (or sport) of fishing. For Fishing At Its Best – come on out and become a member of the Port st. Lucie Anglers Club.